Kamis, 11 Desember 2008

we cannot let them ruined it !

first of all, just wanna say that people can be better if they want. but this kind of bees is getting worse and worst. AND you know what some people called bees just so annoying and not talented at all.
gw si bener2 ga rela kalo farewell party nya ancur gr2 bees, but sorry aja ya maybe
your idea is SOO LAMEE and BORING. Paling gtu2 aja theme or whatevernya.
HELLO ? we're from grade nine just want the best, b'cse its just ONCE in a life time.
HAHAHA so STEP BACK BEES we're coming in and ready to kick your stingky asses out !
well kalo mereka udah brubah why not sih ? tapi yaa slama ini sih TAMBAH MAKIN PARAH
hhh sbenernya gini sih emg dosa tapi mw gmn lagi ? RESEny ga nahaan meen. Mana tampangnya
minta ditampar satu2 bayangkaan lah lol !! soo teachers please please bangeet choose the one really great, coorperative, tallented, and creative.

Rabu, 10 Desember 2008


kyknya TWILIGHT udah keluar bukunya brp bln yg lalu ya...
malahan jg udah keluar NEW MOON, ECLIPSE, ma BREAKING DAWN udah dr bbrp bln yang lalu....AND smua org kyknya jg udah tau bakal ada filmnya tgl 21 nov...
tapi brhubung kt d indonesia,,jd tayangnya mundur....
BUT, sjak ada filmnya malah jd banyak yg mo baca bkunya...tp mnurut gw it's okay lah klo cuma mo baca bukunya...
truz skrg malah pd sok2 nama FB, FS, or MSN pk cullen.pattinson...gt2....
PADAHAL....itu tuw dah basi bgd kali ya.....yg ada juga harusnya udah dr dlu lo pake...KARENA SEKARANG UDAH PASARAN BGD.....the bees bru pke yg kayak gitu...
pamer...udah nonton 2 kali...THE BEES sangat amat bangga udah ntn 2 kali...
PADAHAL...smua orang jg bisa ntn 2 kali...malahan skrg udah ada bajakannya...
jd intinya BUKAN MEREKA DOANK YG BS NTN 2x....
okay lah kita smua boleh ntn 2x...tp JANGAN n GAK AKAN pernah senorak mereka....
edward cullen mank ganteng...kita taw bukan krn pemainnya robert pattinson aja,tapi di NOVELnya tuh mank udah d deskripsiin klo edward cullen tuh mank perfect...jd org2 tuh sk ma edward krn d novelnya dy baek banged ma bella...slain karena diperanin robert pattinson...jd THE BEES tuh BASI bgd bru sk ma edward pas lyt filmnya n taw klo d peranin ma robert pattinson..BASI BGD MEREKA.....
THE BEES tuh juga COPYCAT...d saat org2 udah sels pk cullen ato pattinson..
mereka BARU ngikut2 pke kayak gitu....
jd intinya THE BEES tuh COPYCAT yang kena sindrom NORAQISME alias NORAK!!!

farewell party!

AKHHHHH andreas go to helllll!!!!!
dasar kuntetkretinismetulisbelahsupernyolot!!!!!!!
puhlease deh,ga SEMUA perkataan suster tuh mesti diikutin ya!
ampe yg becandaan sgala lo ikutin! DASAR GEBLEK
klo ngikutin yg bener dong! dipilah2 dulu,jangan smua nya lo ikutin,ga punya otak,heh?????? haha jahat abis yaw.
tapi bodo ah,emang dia geblek,mau gimana lagi?
klo milih utusan kelas yg lebih bener dikit knp sih?
ini buat farewell,you knooowwww
emang elo?! udh tua aja masih kyk anak sd?!
udah pendek,ngocol pula,sok2 banyak yg belain,SYP COBA YG MAU BELAIN ORANG KYK ELOOO???!!!!
taik dasar
hahahah andreas emang gapernah gagal bkin orang benci ama dia.satu2 nya talent dia kali ya tuh..
well,anyway..this year's prom HAS to be BETTER than the years before us.
so guru2,you better pick us than pick them,cos they cant do shit about this kind of stuff,just so you know.ahaha theyre only good for tacky fashion statements and cheap makeup.

Jumat, 05 Desember 2008

from dress to flashes

well, this is P.
try this one

reddish by primzie

basclly coz i love red and black. and it's soo cute. polcadot dress from topshop meets balenciaga black clutch bag. it's for semi formal or formal.

if you wanna hang out, try this one

simple rockstar by primzie

it's a rockstar wannabe. we're the wannabees rite? it simple and it's b/w i love it HAHA

notes : don't wear angkle boots if your calfs are big ;)

thankies guys. see ya soon!

Little Leopard Riding Hood

ohohoo..it's frede, wearing leopard scarf, purple framed wayfarer, casual T's, high waist denim, gladiator..
well, looks odd, kerudungnya ntuu..hahaa
by the way, it was photographed by my friend (merangkap sbg tetangga), EDAA
ahahaa..thank you

Kamis, 04 Desember 2008

soo,skool got out early todayyyy YEAYYYY hhhaaaa.except for the 8th graders,ahah kesian deh loooo,makanya jangan nyolot2 ama kk kelass ahahah ga nyambung. hmm gatau nih mau nulis apa. oiya youknowwhat? besok kita mau ntn twilight looohhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
argh so freakin excited nihhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahhha.udah banyak yg ntn sih tp whatever deh,yang penting besok ntn ahahahhaah.
haha skolah laen lg pada ulum yaa?? ternyata skolah kita enk jg,org2 bru ulangan,kita udah selsaaaiiiii hahahaha.
ahh sgituch duluch ajach yach,nothing special to tell nich..

Selasa, 02 Desember 2008

a quick look into our whimsical world :)

we are the wannabees.yes, with a double e.
trus,wannabees tuh maksud nya bukan kita mau jd kyk lebah ato mau lebah ato yg gtu2.
krn 'bees' yang dimaksud disini,BUKAN lebah yg setrip2 kuningitem itu.
bees yang dimaksud adalah sejumlah oknum yang telah melakukan banyak hal memuakkan kita semua sampe harus dituang kan di blog ini.
WE'RE BETTER THAN THOSE BEES.we want to show them what fashionable is,basically.
bukannya kita fashion experts ya,tapi ya jelas aja kita kliatan kyk fashion experts kalo dibandingin ama mereka.haha,plus we dont bring nor wear make up stuff to skool,and they do!
so BACK OFF bees,we'll show you whats flashy and whats trashy!